Friday, October 24, 2014

Using Facebook Groups for Marketing

So, you were seeking out…

How to Use Facebook Groups for Marketing

... and came across this article.

That’s WONDERFUL because you’re about to get a golden nugget on how to do just that!

So, have you ever joined any of those Facebook “marketing” groups where the owners actually
ALLOW people to come in and basically SPAM their group with their business opportunities?

If so, do you sometimes feel lost in the shuffle?

I am a part of a few of them and I know that when I “marketed” like everyone else, I sure did!  But I haven’t really done anything with them in a while.They kinda remind me of something we used to have back in the day called Free-For-All sites (FFA)I mean, you go to this particular webpage/site and it was SPAM CITY!  Links and banners plastered all over the place.
And depending on the site, on occasion you might run across adult sites on them. *whoa!*
And who was actually LOOKING at what was posted when everyone was posting their own thing, hoping it would get looked at! lolSame with Traffic Exchanges.But with TE’s, my marketing mentors taught me a little trick, which was basically to market a SOLUTION to the other TE users on how to BEST use TE’s.Is that confusing? lol

Okay, let me break it down like this…

While everyone and their mama was slamming their links, WE were taught to create a “splash page” that led them to a page where they would learn how they could get the most out of using Traffic Exchanges.  In other words, we were offering something of VALUE to the TE users that would ultimately lead them to whatever our program was.

So, in essence, the same concept can be applied when marketing Facebook groups.  Instead of posting promotional blurbs and links…Think about ANY little golden nuggets that are business or marketing-related that you’ve learned and share that instead.
(and if you feel that you don’t know anything, go read a book, watch a video or buy a course and LEARN something that will add to your value and skillset!)


You don’t want to just post the nugget directly in the group!  You wanna make them “work” for it by sharing the tip in full detail on a blog post or video.  Then, share the link to THAT!Make sense?This way, you are standing out and apart from all the noise and if any of them are truly SERIOUS about having success in their business, they’ll take a look.Now having said that…I put this tip with a couple of others and break down how you can BETTER use those Facebook Marketing Groups here in my FREE mini-training video..

“How to Effectively Use Facebook Marketing Groups And STAND OUT From the Crowd”

To YOUR Success,
Cherie King
"The Work@Home Advocate"

P.S. Click Here to work with me in my business where you can generate income with NO recruiting.
Click Here if you already have a business and need more exposure to it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Get Response Autoresponder Tutorial: How To Set Up An Email Campaign

Get Response Autoresponder Tutorial: How To Set Up An Email CampaignHere are the basics of…

How to set up an email campaign inside of the Get Response Autoresponder:

  1. Log into your Get Response account.  If you don’t have one yet, click here for a FREE 30-day trial.
  2. Go to the Current Campaign Menu on the top right of your account
  3. From the drop down menu, choose Create Campaign.
  4. Choose and enter in your new campaign name, keeping in mind some of these settings that you need to keep in mind for whenever you’re creating a name for example, such as only using alphanumeric characters, no spaces or special characters, and also the name must be unique. If another GetResponse customer is using the same name you chose, you’ll have to choose something else or you can try an alternative version of your originally-chosen name and then once it gets accepted it will be good to go and you will see it in your current campaign drop down menu.
  5. You’ll then want to modify the campaign settings where you can elect to make it so that subscribers have to confirm their subscription request, you can choose which email address you want your emails to appear to be coming from, and much more!
The video below explains and shows the process in more detail, so be sure to watch it if you need further clarification.